These long summer days have me thinking back on the summers of my youth, and all the ways life was simpler. The world was a different place back then!
When I was a kid, we used to ride our bikes for miles and miles. If we were running late, we couldn’t just text our moms that we were on our way. We had to find a pay phone and sometimes even ask a stranger for some spare change to make a call home.
Whenever I got my allowance, the first place I rode off to was the 7-11 for a Slurpee. Perfect on a summer day!
Come dusk, we ran around the neighborhood with flashlights, scrambling through yards with the kids from our block as we played “Ghosts in the Graveyard”. We spent the entire day outside with our friends until that very last sliver of sunlight disappeared.
My fondest summer memories are of fishing with my grandfather. Those hours spent on the water, telling stories as we waited for the fish to bite, are a cherished part of his legacy for me.
Time together in the outdoors is something I’ve tried to continue with my son and my dad, his grandfather. A few years back, we took a trip to Canada together. I was so happy when my son, Gavin – 13 at the time – commented how much he enjoyed the trip and how he would always remember it.
He’s 16 now, and we often revisit stories from that trip.
Legacies aren’t just about the money we leave behind. They’re about the values, lessons, and memories we pass along to our loved ones.
At Secured Retirement, we understand that retirement planning is a part of a deeply personal process. When we plan for retirement, we’re securing a future to continue creating special memories and preserving our values.
I hope that my son tells his own kids of the summers we spent on the water. That he shares with them the importance of time together and conveys a love of the great outdoors.
What are you hoping to leave with those you love? Build a legacy that lives through the generations to come with Secured Retirement.

From Joe Lucey, Founder of Secured Retirement
There’s something about sitting down with a steaming cup of coffee that always kicks my day into high gear. And it’s not just because of the caffeine it sends coursing through my veins.
Throughout my career, some of my biggest revelations have come to me in conversation with my mentor over a cup of joe. Good conversation and personal connection can pick you up in a special way. It’s that feeling that I’m hoping to bring to you with my series, your Cup of Joe.